13705 FM 1041
Memphis , TX 79245
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Plaska Lodge - Logo
Get Your Stalk On
Request a Service
(806) 656-1985
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Exotic Hunts

30 Years of Experience  |  Wide Variety of Animals

30 Years of Experience
Veterans Discount
Wide Variety of Animals

(806) 656-1985
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It is our goal to give you an exciting hunt of a lifetime, without having to travel around the world for exotic animals of your dreams.

If you are looking for something different, unique, and love the thrill of the chase, then you will enjoy this unique adventure. This is not a zoo. This is a true hunt. The animals definitely have the advantage. If you are looking for a “canned” hunt, you need to pass on this one. So grab your hunting gear, give us a call and get your stalk on.

Exotic Hunt Package

The hunts are conducted as all-inclusive packages, or can be customized to fit your needs.

We have a no-kill no-pay policy.  All hunts are fully-guided, one on one. All animals are caped and quartered.

You may hunt with the weapon of your choice. Spot and stalk is the preferred method but stands are available.

(806) 656-1985  Or Email Us: plaskalodge@yahoo.com
Exotic Hunt
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